Welcome to the New Latina, RN!

Welcome to the Latina RN blog! Latina RN is a community for all Latina/o RNs. This is your tribe!

Every two weeks we share a story to inspire you! If you want to write a blog and be featured on our website and our socials, head over to the contact page to submit! 

I want to thank you for your constant support, your appreciation for this company has really turned my dreams into a reality. When I started this movement, I only pictured it to be a cute hashtag, but seeing how many people truly support and love the mission, really makes my heart SO happy. 

I hope as Latina, RN continues to grow, you all feel more part of a community. I really want this to be a place you turn to for motivation, inspiration or even to learn something new! I want to eventually have meets ups, more merchandise to show off your accomplishments, share more of your guys’ amazing stories, more giveaways, more cool collaborations, the list goes on! But i do know that I cannot do this without you all!

Please subscribe to our email list! We will be sending out fun stuff, surprise discounts and let you know when there is a new blog post!!

Love you all SO much!

Martha Salmon